As some of you may know, Google Reader will be shutting down on Monday. This means I will be loosing all of you beautiful people as followers! But fret not, you can still follow me on Bloglovin! is a site that allows you to simultaneously follow plenty of blogs without having to sign up for blog newsletters. This means your inbox won't get clogged up every time someone makes a post, and you can have room to explore many more blogs!
Go check it out and be sure to follow me on Bloglovin! Here are some of my favorite blogs that I'm currently following on Bloglovin:
P.S. -I am still in the process of moving the blog to Wordpress.. Things have been really hectic for me these days between getting sick and then having to deal with a death in the family. Things are finally starting to get back to normal for me so you will be seeing changes soon. In the meantime go follow me on Bloglovin to stay updated!
P.P.S. -I've added a new button to the sidebar to make it easier to follow me!
Over the next few weeks I will move this blog from Blogspot to Wordpress. I just prefer the Wordpress platform so I figured why not? I bet I could probably knock this out in a few days but I have work and I'm going on a cruise next week, (whoo hoo!) so it's gonna take a little while. Expect plenty of pictures from my cruise when I come back!
In the meantime, check out my friend Jodi's new photography blog! It's awesome!!!
Yes it is official y'all. I am a graduate of the Florida State University! Alumni status baby!
The weekend was hectic, overwhelming, but overall very fun. My family came in on Friday, the graduation was Saturday morning, we packed up the rest of my apartment Saturday night, and left on Sunday. The weekend was a blur, but the most important thing is that I was able to enjoy it with my family.
About a month ago I finished The Chemical Garden series by Lauren DeStefano, and I am now depressed. Am I the only one out there who doesn't know what to do with herself when she finishes a series Yes? No?
Well that's how I felt about this series! It's based in the near future where America has become a wasteland after scientists tried to make humans perfect and failed. Now men only live to be 25 and women to be 20 because of a deadly virus. The story follows a 16 year old girl named Rhine who is orphaned along with her twin brother. Something goes terribly wrong and Rhine is separated from her brother and thrown into this cruel world where girls are kidnapped and forced to live with men in polygamous marriages.
I won't give anymore away, but this book is damn good!
In other book news, the trailer for Catching Fire has been released and I am so excited!! It doesn't give too much away for those who haven't read the books, and it has just the right amount of doom and gloom for those who have. I think I might read the book again just to brush myself up on the details before the movie is released. Look out for it in November!
I got this BA Star Natural Shadow Palette in the mail a little over a week ago as a sample* and I've finally gathered enough info on it to do a review!
I decided to wear it for my job interview today and was quite surprised by its staying power. My interview was at 11am and it's 10pm, and it's STILL holding strong! Let me tell you, I've been really busy today running errands, working out, and I even took a nap and it's still just as pigmented as it was this morning!
Let's talk about the palette itself. It comes with three neutral shadows and two glitters, one gold and one white. I didn't use the glitters today (I didn't think it was appropriate for an interview), but I'll try them out soon.
Here are swatches of the shadows with and without primer:
without primer
with primer
As you can see, these shadows are already highly pigmented without the primer, especially the cream color. I would say you can wear it with or without primer for pigmentation, but primer will make it last longer.
Overall I think this is a great palette for a simple everyday school or work look. Today I went for a softer look and used the bronze color for the base, but if you want to go bolder you can use the cream color as a base and the bronze for the crease. The colors are highly pigmented and have great lasting power with a primer.
I'm definitely going to consider investing in a few more of these palettes and you should too! BA Star Cosmetics will even help you get started with a 50% off discount code! At $8.75 retail this brings your cost down to a mere $4.37, what a deal! All you have to do is go to the BA Star website and enter the coupon code 'BBSMOKY' at checkout.
BA Star website:
So I've been preparing to move back in with my parents after I graduate in May, *groans*and I've been thinking a lot about how I'm going to redecorate my bedroom. My room hasn't changed since I was 12, (think light blue walls and bedding, boy band posters, and Winnie the Pooh bathroom decor) so it's definitely time for a change!
Thankfully I'll be coming back with a much more mature bedding and bathroom set, but there's still the problem of decor. So in my down time I've been working on a little DIY project I learned from my friend Katherine! Pearled letters!
It's such an easy project but the results are beautiful! So let's get started!
All you need for this project is:
A wooden letter of your choice
A glue gun
Glue sticks
Loose crafting pearls or jewels
I bought all of my supplies at my local Michaels, but I'm sure you can find these supplies at any crafting store.
Let your glue gun heat up for about 5 minutes and then place glue on any corner of the letter you'd like to start with. Place the pearl or jewel on the glue immediately after gluing! If you wait too long the glue will harden and the pearls won't stick. Make your way across the letter, gluing small sections.
It took me about 45 min to an hour to complete each letter and I still had plenty of pearls left over for the next letter! Now all I have to do is figure out what color to paint my room. Redecorating is going to be fun!