Photo Credit: Tumblr |
Can you believe it's March already?! I swear the holidays were like last week, and it's already springtime. I, for one am so happy that spring is here and Florida can finally defrost. I don't know what was going on with Mother Nature this year, but winter just did not want to go away!
Anyways, with spring comes new hair for me! I have been especially lazy these past few weeks. No seriously, at one point I didn't wash my hair for almost two weeks. I just kept doing twist outs on my dry hair, and slicked it up into a scarf poof. Yea, it's sad, I know. So to prevent any further damage to my hair (since I don't think this lazy streak is going anywhere, anytime soon) I decided to get senegalese twists!!
For those of you who don't know what senegalese or rope twists are, they are a extended twists done with kanekalon hair. My appointment is tomorrow at Natural Trendsetters in Tamarac, FL. If y'all don't know, that is my go-to spot for all my hair maintenance needs. They do everything! Locs, treatments, cornrows, braids, twists, sew-ins, blowouts, color...just don't ask for a perm and you're good! To my knowledge they are the #1 (if not ONLY) natural hair salon in South Florida.
Photo Credit: Dede Akiti |
I bought X-pression kanekalon hair in 1. I wanted to get 1b, but the beauty supply store only carried 1 so hopefully it doesn't look bad. I bought 3 packs, and the hair is extremely long so hopefully its enough! I know it's going to take a long time for my head to get done so I better bring a butt pillow.
Well that's all folks! I need to be getting to bed soon so I can be on time for my appointment in the morning. I'll post pics of how it comes out tomorrow, wish me luck!